Airdrop Hack For Older Macs

Airdrop is not available on many older Macs. This guide shows you how to activate Airdrop with a little trick.

  1. Airdrop Hack For Older Macs &
  2. Airdrop Hack For Older Macs 2019
  3. Airdrop Hack For Older Macs Mac

Disable Quartz Extreme on older Macs Jul 27, '04 09:01:00AM. Contributed by: fudgecode This hint is for you if you have a graphics card that is having problems with Quartz Extreme, and are having trouble disabling it. Unfortunately, AirDrop doesn’t work on older Macs, nor over Ethernet, by default. If you’d like to try to make it work on your older Mac, simply past or type the following into your Terminal app.

Airdrop Hack For Older Macs &

Older Mac models: How to enable Airdrop

Airdrop Hack For Older Macs 2019

  • Open the terminal and enter the command 'defaults write BrowseAllInterfaces 1' without quotation marks. Then restart your Mac.
  • Now the Mac searches for Airdrop-enabled devices across all available network interfaces. You can exchange data over the same WLAN or LAN network. But note: In contrast to the 'right' airdrop, the data transmission is not encrypted. You should therefore only use the function in your home network.
  • In addition, Airdrop only works if your device has a network chip with peer-to-peer function. If this is not the case, you cannot use Airdrop on your Mac with the Terminal command.
  • If you no longer need the function, you can reset the changes with the terminal command 'defaults write BrowseAllInterfaces 0'. The airdrop entry disappears after a restart.

Airdrop Hack For Older Macs Mac

This hint is for you if you have a graphics card that is having problems with Quartz Extreme, and are having trouble disabling it. Or if you have a GeForce3 card in an old Sawtooth G4 and are getting flickering problems, then here is a simple way to disable Quartz Extreme which is most likely the cause of this problem. Use pico or your favourite text editor to edit the file: /System -> Library -> Frameworks -> ApplicationServices.framework -> Versions -> A -> Frameworks -> CoreGraphics.framework -> Versions -> A -> Resources -> Configuration.plist (you'll probably need sudo to edit the file). Look for the key GLCompositorMinimumVRAM and change its value to a value higher than how much RAM your graphics card has. So if you have a 64MB card, then 128 should work: This may work with other key values, but this is the only one I have tried. This means OS X won't use Quartz Extreme unless the card has a minimum of the value you specified. Hence disabling it for your card. After the value is changed and saved, all you need to do is reboot and Quartz Extreme will no longer be enabled.
[robg adds: I haven't tested this one!]