Fl Studio Crossover

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This is a custom Crossover wrapped version of FL Studio for Mac OS X and so is bit-identical to the Windows installer. Is a custom Crossover wrapped version. CONTACT US: 1-718-677-8453. My Account; Installation Specs; Catalog; My Cart -Quick Order.


    ToolChain is a plugin that is actually many plugins in one. It acts as a shell which lets you set up a chain of effects, one processed after another in a series connection. You can also put instruments at the front of the chain. At some point, i was just tired of maintaining a separate project for each of my plugins, so i lumped them all into one. The download archive contains a Windows VST x64 version, a Mac AU version, a support folder containing presets, sample-content, etc. and a textfile with manual installation instructions.

Download ToolChain

For legacy reasons, the older versions of the plugins which are now supposed to be replaced by ToolChain are still available below. At the moment, not yet all of them are integrated into ToolChain, but this is what is going to happen soon. Also, the older plugins may still be needed, if you are using a 32-Bit (x86) host.


Key Features
  • each stage can be one of the following characteristics: bell, low-/high-shelf, low-/highpass (6 or 12 dB/oct), notch
  • clean equalization - no additional colorations
  • low CPU usage
  • +-48 dB gain range
  • stereo modes: linked, left/right, mid/side and mono
  • minimum phase response

EasyQ is an easy-to-use equalizer with an arbitrary number of filter stages in series connection. Each of the filter stages can operate in one of the following modes: peak/cut (aka bell or parametric EQ), high- or low-shelving, notch and low- or highpass (both with either 6 or 12 dB/oct slope). EasyQ is also easy on the CPU and just does what an EQ is supposed to do without performing any additional voodoo. As such, it is well suited to serve as a go-to EQ for the routine equalizing tasks.

Download EasyQ


    CrossOver is a plugin to split an incoming signal into several (at most 4) frequency ranges. It can be used to build your own multiband effects within a modular (sub)host environment. By using only 2 bands, you can also create bass-effects. These are effects which keep the low frequency range dry and affect only the high frequency range. The band-splitting is done by complementary pairs of Linkwitz-Riley lowpass/highpass filters, the slope of which is adjustable between 12 and 96 dB/oct. For configurations with more than 2 output bands, the signal is first split into 2 bands (low and high) and then the low or high or both bands is/are split further, thus the splitting is done in a hierarchical manner.

Download CrossOver


Key Features

    EngineersFilter is a filter plugin that allows for extremely steep filtering. It achieves this by implementing high order IIR filter design methods that are commonly used in science and engineering, namely Butterworth, Chebychev, inverse Chebychev, elliptic (aka Cauer), Bessel and Papoulis filters. Each of these filter design methods can be applied to create lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandreject, high/low shelving and peak/dip filters of orders up to 20.

Download EngineersFilter


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Fl studio crossgrade

    FuncShaper is a waveshaping distortion plugin based on a mathematical expression evaluator. You can enter an expression to create the function which will be used as waveshaping transfer function. The expression may contain arithmetic operators, well known standard functions (sin, cos, tanh, etc.) as well as some proprietary special functions, which are specifically geared towards the application domain (soft-clipping, Chebychev polynomials, etc.).

Download FuncShaper

Track Meter

Fl Studio Crossover Software

Key Features

    Track Meter is a plugin to display the current level of a stereo input signal separately for the left, right, mid and side channels and also to display the cross-correlation between the two channels. You may freely adjust the rise- and fall time constants (collectively called ballistics). Convenient buttons exist for using the standardized ballistics for VU and PPM measurements.

Download TrackMeter

Signal Analyzer

    Signal Analyzer is a combined oscilloscope/spectrum-analyzer plugin for inspecting signals in realtime in the time- and frequency domain. The oscilloscope's refresh rate may be synchronized to the period of the incoming signal to stabilize the plot of periodic waveforms. Both views may be frozen and the frozen display can be exported into a .png file.

Download SignalAnalyzer

Channel Matrix 2x2

Key Features

    Channel Matrix 2x2 is a plugin which lets you matrix-multiply the signals of two input channels in order to obtain another two signals which will appear at the two output channels. Example uses are mid/side encoding/decoding, mixing stereo to mono, switching channels left for right, boosting or attenuating signals, inverting signal polarity, etc.

Download Channel Matrix 2x2

Fl Studio Crossover Crack

Pitch Shifter

    Pitch Shifter is a plugIn to shift the pitch of an incoming audio signal. By mixing the pitch-shifted signal with the original signal via the dry/wet control, basic detuning, octaving and harmonizing effects are also possible. This shifter is based on a delayline with two crossfaded read pointers. Such an architecture allows for feedback - and feedback gives the potential to rather drastic, weird special effects like monster-voices, flanger-like effects and more.

Download Pitch Shifter

MIDI Monitor

Key Features

    MIDI Monitor is a plugin which shows you the incoming MIDI messages. Because some hosts treat instrument- and effect-plugins differently (and do not allow plugging one kind of plugin into a slot of a different kind), there is an 'instrument' and an 'effect' version of the plugin to make it pluggable everywhere. The MIDI-events are passed through unchanged, the same holds for any incoming audio signal.

Download MIDI Monitor