Microsoft Onenote Templates
OneNote Templates and solutions all ready-made saving you time and money - KanBan, GTD, Project Management, Estate Planner and loads more from Article by Susan Mi 1.2k. A OneNote template is a page design that you can apply to new pages in your notebook to give them an appealing background, a more uniform appearance, or a consistent layout. See System Requirements. Templates for OneNote. Overview System Requirements Related. OneNote Gem is a specialized site that offers you add-ins to enhance the functionality of OneNote. In here, you’ll find a collection of 15+ templates for personal projects, managing life, and work. It includes weekly assignments, appointments, time management, and a GTD template. The templates seemed to disappear with OneNote 2013. I've had Windows 10 for several years now, and hadn't really used OneNote very much (probably because I was disappointed about the templates). I would just love to have the template features of 2016, but have now subscribed to Office 365 as I recently purchased an additional PC.
Create an OneNote Journal Notebook
In OneNote, create a notebook and named 'Journal' ( or other else ).
OK, next we setting the OneNote Journal feature to create daily journal page in 'Journal' notebook.
Click 'OneNote Gem - Favorites' -> 'Navigation' tab -> 'Journal' command.
This command will pop up a Journal Options dialog to help you setting journal information.
In this example, click 'Current Notebook' to set the 'Journal' notebook as daily journal notebook.
After click 'OK' button. You can find Journal command will create a '2015' section group, a 'July' section and a '19' page in 'Journal' notebook.
- Next day, click 'Journal' command will create a '20' page in 'July' section.
- Next Month, click 'journal' command will create a 'August' section and a '01' page in '2015' section group.
- 'Journal' command also can navigate to the today page if it has existed.
You also can create daily journal page without running OneNote.
To do this, you need to setting 'OneNote Navigator' run at Windows system start.