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One of Our Fairies is Missing Ch. 1

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Disclaimer: Tinker Bell, Disney Fairies and all associated characters and content are the property of The Walt Disney Company, the character of Tinker Bell originated by J. M. Barrie with thanks to the Great Street Ormond Hospital for Sick Children to which Barrie left the rights to Peter Pan and Tinker Bell in 1929 . This fan fiction is not intended for profit or monetary gain and exists solely for the purpose of fan entertainment.


'Wake up everyone,' Fairy Mary shouted as she flitted by each house in Tinker's Nook. 'Wake up. We have plenty of work today.'

Tinker Bell woke up to sounds of Fairy Mary's voice and sleepily crawled out of bed. She looked at her clock and noticed that it was earlier than usual. The sky outside was just barely dawn, with the first rays of sunshine peaking out over the horizon. She opened her door and asked her supervisor, 'What's wrong Fairy Mary?'

Mary replied, 'We had a good rain last night.' Tinker Bell remembered the sounds of distant thunder as she went to bed the night before. 'One of the streams went over its banks and washed out the kitchens. We have to put everything right as quick as possible so the cooking and baking fairies can prepare meals for us.' Tinker Bell noted how rapidly Fairy Mary was talking. 'All other projects are to be set aside, this comes first. I want all tinkers in the quad in fifteen minutes.' Fairy Mary then flew on sounding the alarm to everyone who was still asleep.

Tinker Bell rubbed the drowsiness out of her eyes and quickly changed for work. This was going to be a long and difficult day, she told herself. When Tinker Bell arrived in the quad most of the other tinkers had arrived and had grouped into their cliques with close friends and workmates. They were all chatting and talking and some were speculating why they had been roused from their sleep so early in the morning. Tink's two workmates, Clank and Bobble were hovering together above the muddy ground. They motioned to her to join them. She floated down and took her place next to Bobble. 'What happened?' he asked her. 'The rains washed out the kitchens,' she told him. That was all she knew.

'If the kitchens are washed out what will we have for breakfast?' Clank asked his friends. Bobble couldn't answer. Instead he looked around as they waited for the rest of the tinkers to join the assembly. Lucinda was the last out of her house, as usual. With only a couple of minutes left before Fairy Mary was to address the group Terence arrived. He quickly found Tinker Bell and descended to her. 'Here,' he said quietly. He handed the three a single honeycomb. 'Hang onto this for later, you may need it.'

'Where did you get it, Terence?' Tinker Bell asked.

'I always stash a little aside for when I have to deliver to the scouts on the mainland,' he replied. That was Terence, always practical. Tink, Bobble and Clank broke the honeycomb into thirds and each took their piece and stowed it into their clothing. If Terence was bringing this to them then he must have thought that lunch may not be served today. Which made sense to Tinker Bell if the kitchens had been washed out. Terence would have known this since he was always one of the very first in Pixie Hollow to wake up. Only the cooking and baking talents, guild supervisors, the ministers and the queen were up earlier. Most of the Hollow slept well until the sun had risen and bathed the island of Never Land in its warm and rejuvenating light.

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'I have to go now, Tink.' Terence gave his girlfriend a quick peck on the cheek before leaving. He flew up and out of Tinker's Nook.

Fairy Mary flitted out in front of the assembled tinkers and addressed them. 'Tinkers, last night a heavy rain soaked the island and pushed a stream over its banks. Rain water washed out the kitchens and precious little food remains for today.'

The tinkers gasped as no one had yet eaten their morning meals. Several cooking talent fairies flitted into the nook carrying freshly picked fruits and nuts and a few portions of bread and pastries. These were the remains of yesterday's baking and were being rationed out to the entire population of Pixie Hollow. Everyone received a piece of fruit, a few bits of a nut and a small chunk of pastry or bread followed by a glass of water. More food was kept in reserve for a lunch break, but it was a pitifully small amount.

Fairy Mary kept speaking as the food was being passed out to everyone. 'Our job is to restore the kitchens, tea house, dining hall and baking area, as well as to clean up the huge mess left behind by the flooding. Each of you will receive your assignments to one of these areas and it is up to you to restore our food preparation by the end of the day. If you don't there will be no food for tomorrow.' Tinker Bell now understood the greater importance of Terence's gift. He could have kept it all to himself, but he chose to share some of his reserves with her and her friends. Tinker Bell couldn't help but love him even more.

Once everyone had eaten, dust keepers arrived, Terence among them, and distributed their daily rations of Pixie Dust to each member of the Tinker guild. When Terence handed Tink her bag, she held his hands just a little longer and smiled at him. The young dust keeper smiled back, reciprocating her unspoken message.

'Move it along, Terence,' Fairy Mary called out. Terence slowly moved his hand from Tink's letting his fingers gently caress hers as they parted. She smiled more, giggling just a bit as he moved to Bobble and handed him a bag of dust. Fairy Mary then began to hand out assignments to everyone. Tinker Bell and her friends were to return the ovens that had been washed out by the flood waters.


Upon their arrival, Tink, Bobble and Clank found that several light and fast flyer talents were already on site. They were working in concert to dry out the ground. The fast flyers, led by Vidia, were creating breezes while the light talents, under command of Iridessa in her first project lead, were adjusting sunbeams to heat the ground. Tinker Bell waved hello to her friends before following Clank and Bobble to the kitchens for what she knew would be a long and hard day.

The ovens had been washed clear out of the kitchens and were standing or lying in the mud a good distance from the wall where they normally stood. The trio of friends set to work. Tinker Bell built a sled to carry the ovens back into the kitchens. Bobble found a water talent to wash out the ovens of mud, while Clank helped the baking talents to clean their kitchens before their equipment could be returned. By the time the sun was at its peak in the sky the kitchens and ovens were clean while Tink and her friends were covered in mud from head to toe. The baking talents were so grateful that they set out to make some desserts that didn't need to be baked for their rescuers.

Meanwhile, Tinker Bell and Clank lifted the first of the terra cotta ovens onto the sled. They then pulled and pushed the sled into the kitchen where the three of them set the first oven into place. Bobble then flew up and connected the oven vent to the exhaust. Tink and Clank had to push the heavy oven just a bit so that Bobble could make the connection. With that done the three brought another oven, repeating the process for each one.

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While sliding one of the ovens off the sled, Clank lost his grip and and it dropped into the mud and right onto Tinker Bell's foot.

She howled in excruciating pain. 'AAIEEE! Get it off of me! Get it off!'

Bobble and Clank quickly grabbed the oven and lifted it from the ground just high enough for Tinker Bell to slip her foot from under the heavy object. Once free she danced on one leg while grabbing her injured foot screaming 'OW OW OW OW!'

The two boys helped Tinker Bell to a spot where she could sit. There she removed her slipper and checked her toes. None of them were broken or hurt. Bobble examined Tink's small foot and checked for any broken bones. She even laughed when he wiggled her toes.

'Good news, Miss Bell,' he said. 'It looks like your foot sank into the mud. No harm done.'

'I'll take you to the hospital if you like,' Clank offered, very concerned for her well being.

'I'm okay, Clank, thanks,' she answered him kindly.

'I don't mind,' Clank replied.

Tinker Bell put on her ballet slipper shoe and stood on the smooshed foot. There was only a tiny bit of residual discomfort. 'I'm fine, really,' she said.

'Okay, but if you start to feel anything strange, like feeling woozy or something, just let me know, I'll take you to the doctor right away,' Clank offered once again.

'Clankie, she got her foot stuck under an oven. She didn't hit herself on the head,' Bobble said, berating him.

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'Oh, right. Sorry,' the large tinker replied with a sheepish grin.

'That's okay, Clank,' Tinker Bell told him. 'I know your just looking out for me.'

'Okay, okay, let's get back to work,' Bobble yelled. 'We've got lots of ovens to put back in order.'

The trio returned to their back breaking work.


The heat of the day was making things worse. Soon all three were soaking wet in their own perspiration. Things got so bad that Tink had to undo her bun and let her hair down just to stay cool. A water fairy came along and drenched them in refreshing waters, but the relief was sadly short lived.

'Why can't we just use Pixie Dust to move these ovens?' Clank asked.

'We can't use up all of our dust, Clankie,' Bobble said. 'Look at all of the ovens we have to move.'

'Exactly, Bobble, there are so many ovens that we will be working until tomorrow morning,' Clank replied.

'I'm with Clank on this one,' Tinker Bell said remembering her foot, 'we need to speed this up.'

Pixie Hollow Bake Off Google Drive 2017

'But we don't have enough Pixie Dust for the three of us and all of the ovens,' Bobble protested.

'Oh, boo! My back is hurting, Bobble,' Clank added.

'Wait a minute guys,' Tinker Bell interjected, 'why don't we ask the animal fairies to lend us a mouse to help move these ovens?'

Bobble and Clank just stared at each other, marveling at the simplicity of her solution. Clank and Bobble took a quick break while Tinker Bell flew out out to the mouse stables to talk with Fawn. Tink and Fawn were good friends and she would be the most receptive to Tink's request.

It wasn't long to wait when Tinker Bell returned to the kitchens riding Cheese.

'She did it, Bobble!' exclaimed to Clank. 'She brought us some help.'

'Well done, lassie,' Bobble told Tinker Bell. 'Now lets hook up Cheese to your sled and we'll be finished before dinner time.'

If there was a dinner to speak of tonight, Tinker Bell thought. The two boys seemed to be thinking the same thing for as Tinker Bell reached for her piece of honeycomb that Terence brought, Clank and Bobble did the same, each nibbling on it as they continued.


With the help of Cheese the work load was much lighter than before. Using the mouse's size and strength they were able to pull the usually heavy ovens into place with great ease. By the late afternoon the brilliant yellow sun had turned a sickening yellow-orange color. The otherwise welcome warmth was turned into an oppressive heat from all the water that the light fairies had successfully been evaporating.

With so much humidity in the air it became difficult to breath much less cool off through perspiration. Even with the help of their mouse friend, the work was debilitating and tiring in ways none of the three had ever known. While they worked the baking fairies tried to keep them fresh with cool drinks and desserts, but with so little food available portions were small. Tinker Bell spotted Vidia overhead and flew up to her. She asked the fast flyer for a refreshing breeze. It felt wonderful.

When the orange-red sun began to sink into the distant horizon the job was nearly done. Only five more ovens remained and it was a welcome sight. While they worked Tinker Bell overheard a rather pointed conversation coming from the baking talent's kitchen.

'What are you doing, Ambrosia?' one female voice said irately.

'I'm trying to come up with a new dessert, Dill,' another, sweeter, female voice replied.

'Again? When are you going to just give up?' Dill said, quite upset. 'You've been trying this every season since you got here and you have never been able to bake anything that didn't taste like some watered down version of something else.'

Ambrosia began to cry.

'Oh, I'm sorry, Ambrosia, I wasn't trying to be mean,' Dill said with a compassionate voice.

'I just want to make one new dessert,' Ambrosia said through her tears. 'Something, anything that I can put my name on and call it my own.'

'Is it really that important to you?' Dill asked perplexed.

'Yes,' Ambrosia replied, sniffling, 'I don't want to be the only baking talent who couldn't make anything new. Even you created a unique confection once and everyone loved it.'

'Oh, it's okay, little one, you don't need to invent anything, you will always be one of us no matter what. Now listen, there is no shame in just being able to follow the recipe. You're a baking talent, you can measure and mix and fold and bake to perfection. No other talent guild can do that. Not even Vidia or Tinker Bell, the strongest talents in Pixie Hollow can do that. That's why I'm sending you to the mainland this year. I just want you to learn to be happy with what you can do. Okay?'

'Okay,' Ambrosia said, still crying.

Wow, what was that all about, Tink asked herself.


Finally, it was complete. Every oven was returned to its rightful place in the baking talent's kitchen. The trio felt more exhausted than they ever had before. Heavy lifting, mixed with the heat of the day and the extra humidity combined to make this day one all of them wanted to forget. Clank, Bobble and Tinker Bell sat in the dining hall. They were amazed at how spotless the room looked. The other tinkers who had been assigned this room did an impeccable job of cleaning it. No one would know it had been covered and crusted with mud just a few hours ago.

The three sat at a table, the room all to themselves. They each caught their breathes and drank some iced chamomile tea. It never tasted so good.

'I'm going to take a bath until the sun comes up, I am,' Clank announced. 'Then I'm going take another one just be sure I'm clean.'

'Aye, I've never smelled so rank in my life,' Bobble said.

'I feel like something Lizzy's cat threw up,' she quipped. Neither Bobble nor Clank flinched at the image she drew with her words. They all just raised their glasses and drank.

'Aye, ain't that the truth,' Bobble said before gulping his tea. The two boys and girl engaged in idle chatter, talking about how long they were going to sleep in the morning, how they were going to spend their days off (sleeping, of course) and how much food they were going to eat once their stores of food had been replenished.

'I'm so hungry, I could the eat a whole mushroom all by myself, I could,' Clank said.

'I believe it,' Tink answered with a grin. 'But I could eat two of them.'

The two boys laughed at her remark. Tinker Bell was a little different ever since she returned from her adventures with Peter Pan. She seemed a little more world weary than before. Her innocent charm was tempered by the experiences she had with that human boy. Before leaving she would never have engaged Clank and Bobble in such low humor. Now she participated with them quite readily.

Tink, who had always kept a maybe, maybe not relationship with Terence finally admitted how much she missed and loved him. A frightening brush with death could do that to a fairy, she once told Clank and Bobble. A rather oblique reference to nearly getting blown up by Captain Hook when she saved Peter Pan's life. It made her realize fully what a fool she had been to run off with Peter like that.

She wanted adventure and excitement in her life and thought Peter could offer that. At first it seemed like he could. Unfortunately, Peter had a bad habit of using her and then ignoring her. She became increasingly disillusioned with their adventures. She wasn't his pal or sidekick. She was a tool he pulled out whenever he needed it then tossed aside when he didn't. When Hook tried to kill Peter he exclaimed that Tink meant more to him than anything, but it didn't last long. Soon Peter was the same old Peter Pan again. So she left him and the Lost Boys and came home.

Terence tried waiting for her, but when too much time passed he gave up and began to look for companionship elsewhere. Silvermist was his usual dating partner, but the chemistry wasn't the same. Not like he had with Tinker Bell so it went no where. When she returned, everyone could see the fire in his eyes come roaring back. They have been inseparable ever since.

Bobble and Clank finally excused themselves so they could wash up before the baths closed. Tinker Bell bid them farewell this night. She would sit and rest a little longer. Tinker Bell hurt all over, but none more than her foot. It throbbed, but nothing she couldn't deal with. Something a soak in warm water followed by a good night's rest would help.

She sat alone in the cavernous room. Her thoughts going no further than how good it would feel to sleep until midday tomorrow. Providing Fairy Mary let them. This emergency meant that the entire tinker guild was behind schedule by an entire day. She might wake them up extra early and make everyone work a second shift tomorrow. Tink wasn't sure her body could take it.

'Here you go,' a sweet, female voice said. Tinker Bell looked up at a pretty fairy girl. She set down a plate with a muffin, fruit compote and piece of sweetbread along with a glass of mouse milk. She was petite with dirty blonde hair that curled gently as it fell down her back and over her shoulders. Her skin was a beautifully, rich flesh tone, but her deep green eyes were puffy where tears had been streaming down her face. Tinker Bell noticed that the fairy had several minor burns on her hands and arms. Most were older and healing, at least one or two were recent.

'I saw you sitting alone and thought you could use some food and drink,' she said. Tink immediately recognized the voice as belonging to Ambrosia. 'Thanks for pushing all the ovens back into place; I just hope we can be ready for breakfast tomorrow. I'm sure everyone is going to be famished after today.'

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Ambrosia walked to another table where another plate and cup were waiting for her. The tinker fairy picked up her food and walked to the other table. 'May I join you?' Tinker Bell asked.

The baking fairy smiled sweetly and nodded. Tink sat down with the food and began to pull pieces off the muffin Ambrosia had provided. 'Did you bake this,' she asked.

'Yes,' Ambrosia replied.

'It's fantastic, best muffin I've ever tasted.'

Ambrosia smiled. 'Thanks, but all I did was follow the recipe. I couldn't bake anything original if I wanted.'

'Hey I can't bake worth a darn, and believe me I've tried,' Tinker Bell said trying to lift her spirits. One day, long ago Lizzy spent an afternoon with her father trying to bake biscuits. She asked Tinker Bell to help as best as she could. By the end of it Tink had more flour on her than there was in the biscuits.

'It was a disaster,' Tinker Bell told Ambrosia. 'They were positively inedible.'

'That bad, huh?' the sullen baking talent asked.

'Oh, it was worse than bad. I asked some friends to try a few pieces I brought back. Each and everyone of them said it was the single worst thing they had ever tasted.'

Ambrosia began laughing.

'Rosetta even suggested I use them as doorstops.'

Ambrosia began laughing harder. 'Oh really, doorstops?'

'Oh yes, in fact, I have a few pieces still in my home right now,' Tinker Bell continued. 'If anyone tries to break into my house they'll get conked in the head by one of those things.'

'I bet if you took them to the Winter Woods the cold fairies could use them to play ice hockey,' Ambrosia suggested.

'That might not be a good idea. My little biscuits could turn into deadly weapons if they were frozen solid,' Tinker Bell answered.

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Ambrosia laughed so hard tears poured from her eyes. She even had to cover her mouth to avoid annoying those still working in the kitchen. A moment later the baking talent fairy took Tinker Bell's hand in hers and said, 'Thank you, Tinker Bell. I haven't felt this good in a long time.'

The two fairies kept talking and eating their food. Tinker Bell kept telling stories about herself and her friends Clank and Bobble, and Ambrosia kept laughing at every single one of them. After a while Dill popped her head out of the kitchen and told Ambrosia to get back to work.

'We need to finish prepping for tomorrow,' Dill said. 'We're going to have a multitude of hungry fairies in here early in the morning.'

'On my way.'

The tinker and baking fairy stood up from the table, Tink walked her new friend to the kitchen door. She finally decided to ask about the burn marks on the baker's arms. The gleaming smile on Ambrosia's face faded quickly and was replaced with a look of disgrace.

'Oh, it happens in there sometimes,' Ambrosia confessed. 'I'll put something in to bake and I'll accidentally touch the side of the oven and burn myself.'

'Well it happens to tinkers, too, y'know,' Tink said trying to comfort the little baker. 'Look what happened to my foot earlier. I'll bet my toenails are going to be black and blue for a month.'

Ambrosia grinned at this. Apparently finding out that the most talented fairy in all of Pixie Hollow could be as klutzy as herself was comforting in a way. But the grin receded quickly and Ambrosia was downtrodden again. Tink could sense that Ambrosia didn't want to go back into that kitchen.

'Look, you're just trying too hard,' Tinker Bell advised. 'You're too nervous that your recipe will be a failure. It's making you uptight and causing mistakes. Just relax. Take a few deep breaths, maybe step away from your work for a bit to let your mind calm down. Just let your talent flow naturally.'

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'Easy for your to say, Tinker Bell,' Ambrosia replied. 'You're the greatest talent in Pixie Hollow. It all comes so easy for you.'

'No, it doesn't,' Tink admitted. 'Let me tell you something. I've been working on a project for years and I still can't solve one tiny problem that makes it virtually unusable as intended.'

She told her about The Pixie Dust Express. A high speed pixie dust delivery vessel she designed to help the dust keeper fairies take large amounts of dust to the scouts on the farthest shores of Never Land in one easy trip. The problem Tink was having was that it would lose control in Hydro Drive, the super speed mode in which the boat would skim along the surface of the water on two water skis. Her first attempt went up a tree. The second kept pulling left. The third just launched into the air and shook apart. The fourth smashed into a log and the fifth was still sitting on the shoreline waiting for Tinker Bell to devise a another solution.

'Nothing I've tried works,' Tink said. 'Even with help from my friends in Tinker's Nook I can't solve the problem.'

This shocked the baker fairy. Even the greatest talent in all of Pixie Hollow, in the history of Pixie Hollow was stymied by a simple invention. Still, Tinker Bell had a long list of inventions to her name. Ambrosia had none.

'That doesn't change the fact that I have a weak talent. The weakest in my guild,' the baker replied. 'When I arrived in Pixie Hollow and learned what my talent was the glow from my guild artifact was pretty dim.'

Ambrosia turned to go into the kitchen with her head held low. Tinker Bell grabbed her and spoke sternly.

'Hey, look at me. LOOK AT ME!' Ambrosia did as told. 'Your talent is only weak if you let it. I'm going to tell you something I learned from my friends a long time ago. There are three rules for being successful. Anyone, even those with least bit of talent can be great if they follow these three simple rules.'

Ambrosia listened, but didn't seem hopeful at first.

'Rule number one: Recognize good opportunities. Rule number two: Take action. Rule number three: Never, ever give up; no matter what. Follow them and you will create a new confection that will knock the wings off of anyone who tries it.'

'Do..., do you really think so?'

'I know so. Don't let some dim light tell you how good you can or can't be. You make that decision for yourself. You keep trying, no matter how long it takes. And when you put together that winning recipe with the most delicious flavor ever I will be the first in line to sample it. Guaranteed.'



'I'll even make a banner telling everyone how great it is and fly it over Pixie Hollow everyday for a whole season.'

Ambrosia laughed. 'First in line with be fine.'

Dill called out to Ambrosia again, this time with an angry edge to her voice. 'I had better get going, Tink. Thanks.' Ambrosia was about to turn into the kitchen door when she suddenly wrapped her arms around a shocked Tinker Bell. She was sniffling and tearing up again. 'You're the only one who has ever said anything like that to me. I promise I won't give up. I will make you so proud of me.'

Then she released her tight embrace and fled into the kitchens.

'Don't worry about me,' Tink said under her breath. 'Just make yourself proud.'

I'll be updating this whenever I can. I'm still focusing on Vidia, Interrupted. I just needed a break.

If this sounds familiar to anyone, it is the bad story idea that was originally a crossover with the tv show Psych (the bad idea part) as can be read under my entry SNOWBALLS. This has been fully converted into a pure Tinker Bell story. Don't worry, I kept the good stuff and removed that bad. Please review. Thanks.

(Redirected from Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings)

Watch Pixie Hollow Bake Off

Secret of the Wings
Directed byPeggy Holmes
Produced byMichael Wigert
Screenplay byBobs Gannaway
Peggy Holmes
Ryan Rowe
Tom Rogers
StarringMae Whitman
Lucy Hale
Lucy Liu
Angela Bartys
Megan Hilty
Timothy Dalton
Narrated byAnjelica Huston
Music byJoel McNeely
Edited byMark Rosenbaum
Distributed byWalt Disney Studios
Home Entertainment
Walt Disney Studios
Motion Pictures
Release date
  • August 16, 2012 (Ukraine)
  • August 31, 2012 (United States (limited))
  • October 23, 2012 (DVD release)
75 minutes
CountryUnited States
Budget$30—$35 million[1]
Box office$67,537,798[2]

Secret of the Wings (originally titled as Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods or alternatively Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings) is a 2012 computer-animatedfantasy film, and the fourth installment in the Disney Fairies franchise, produced by DisneyToon Studios. It revolves around Tinker Bell, a fairy character created by J. M. Barrie in his play, Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up, and featured in subsequent adaptations, especially in Disney's animated works, and how she ventures to the Winter Woods and meets her twin sister, Periwinkle, who is a frost fairy. The film was directed by Peggy Holmes and co-directed by Bobs Gannaway.[3][4] Starring the voices of Mae Whitman, Lucy Liu, Megan Hilty, Raven-Symoné and Angela Bartys, it also features new cast members who include Matt Lanter, Timothy Dalton, Lucy Hale and Debby Ryan, while Anjelica Huston narrates.


As the fairies make preparations for the oncoming winter, Tinker Bell helps her friend Fawn take the animals to the Winter Woods to get them ready for hibernation. Fawn warns Tink that fairies from the warmer seasons are forbidden from crossing the border to the woods as the cold can damage their wings, a law supposedly instated by Lord Milori. Out of curiosity, Tink ignores Fawn’s warnings, crosses over, and her wings start to sparkle. Before she can investigate further, Fawn pulls her back. Tink researches on sparkling wings but finds the page incomplete. Another fairy tells her the book’s author, the Keeper, lives in the Winter Woods.

Tucking her wings in a coat, Tinker Bell hides in a shipment of snowflake baskets. She gets picked up by a novice owl who crash lands in the Winter Woods, and the book falls out of her bag. The book is found by Lord Milori, who has it delivered to the Keeper. Tink secretly follows to the library and spots the Keeper, Dewey. Another winter fairy rushes into the room, and Tink notices her wings sparkling like her own. Tink and the other fairy, Periwinkle, notice each other and it is revealed that they were born from the same laugh, making them sisters.

The two spend the day together, with Peri showing Tinker Bell around the Winter Woods and introducing her to her friends, bubbly Gliss and sarcastic Spike. At Peri’s home, Tink builds a fire which eventually causes the floor to melt and crumble beneath them. Having her wings tucked inside her coat, Tink is unable to fly and nearly falls but is saved by Dewey. He advises that it is too dangerous for them to be together and the sisters pretend to say goodbye at the border but promise to meet again.

The next day, Tinker Bell arrives at the border with an ice-powered snow maker. With the machine keeping her cool, Peri crosses over and Tink introduces her to her friends and shows her the warm side of Pixie Hollow. After a while, the machine starts running out of ice and Peri’s wings begin to wilt. Tink and her friends rush her to the border where they meet Lord Milori, who takes Peri back to the woods. Queen Clarion arrives and explains that she was the one who instated the law. Tinker Bell and Periwinkle tearfully say goodbye to each other forever. Lord Milori knocks the snow-maker into the stream under the bridge, where it gets caught by some rocks.

Tinker Bell and Periwinkle are told, by Queen Clarion and Lord Milori respectively, the story of two fairies who fell in love, one from the warm seasons, the other from the Winter Woods. As their romance grew, one of them crossed the border, resulting in them breaking a wing; a damage that there was no known cure for. After this, Queen Clarion declared the separation of the warm fairies from the winter fairies in order to prevent any incidents like the one from the story happening again.

Receiving news of an emergency, Tinker Bell and the Queen fly back to the border where they find that the snow-maker has been collecting ice from the stream, generating snow continuously and causing a massive blizzard. Tink and her friends manage to free the snow-maker, but a freeze that will engulf Pixie Hollow begins to spread, and will eventually reach the pixie dust tree. Trying to think of what to do, Tink notices that a Periwinkle flower that Peri had covered in frost is still alive and flies to the Winter Woods. As she approaches Peri and her friends, Tink’s wings freeze and she crash lands. Peri’s friends explain that frost keeps the warm air inside like a blanket and they return to the pixie dust tree to cover it in frost. They are soon joined by Lord Milori who brings reinforcements. As the freeze approaches, Lord Milori warns the other fairies to take cover, including the Queen whom he gives his cape, revealing one of his wings is broken.

After some time, the freeze finally subsides and all the fairies celebrate. However, Tink reveals that she broke a wing when she flew to the woods earlier. As the sisters say goodbye, Tink and Peri’s wings touch and, in a flash, Tinker Bell’s wing heals. Queen Clarion and Lord Milori share a kiss, revealing themselves as the two lovers from the story. Sometime later, the warm fairies are now able to cross over into the border by having their wings frosted and the two sisters never have to be apart again.

Voice cast[edit]

  • Mae Whitman as Tinker Bell, a tinker fairy and Periwinkle's twin sister.
  • Lucy Hale as Periwinkle, a frost fairy and Tinker Bell's twin sister.
  • Timothy Dalton as Lord Milori, leader of the Winter fairies.
  • Jeff Bennett as Dewey, a frost fairy.
  • Lucy Liu as Silvermist, a water fairy.
  • Raven-Symone as Iridessa, a light fairy.
  • Megan Hilty as Rosetta, a garden fairy.
  • Pamela Adlon as Vidia, a fast-flying fairy.
  • Angela Bartys as Fawn, an animal fairy.
  • Debby Ryan as Spike, a frost fairy and Periwinkle's best friend.
  • Grey DeLisle as Gliss, a frost fairy and Periwinkle's secondary best friend.
  • Rob Paulsen as Bobble, a wispy tinker fairy with large glasses and Clank's best friend.
  • Jeff Bennett as Clank, a large tinker fairy.
  • Jane Horrocks as Fairy Mary, the oversee of all tinker fairies.
  • Jodi Benson as Healing Fairy.
  • Kari Wahlgren as Receptionist.
  • Thomas Lennon as Reading Fairy.
  • Ben Diskin as Slush, a Glacier Fairy.
  • Jeff Bennett as Fairy Gary, the oversee of all dust fairy.
  • Kathy Najimy as The Minister of Summer.
  • John DiMaggio as The Minister of Autumn.
  • Steve Valentine as The Minister of Spring.
  • Dee Bradley Baker as Cheese / Fiona / Blaze.
  • Anjelica Huston as Queen Clarion, the queen of all Pixie Hollow.


The film was given a limited theatre release in the United States between August 31, 2012 and September 13, 2012.[5] It was released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 23, 2012.[6] It was the first film in the Disney Fairies franchise that was released in 3D.[7] The Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, DVD releases also include the short film Pixie Hollow Games as a 'Bonus Adventure'.[8]

The film was released theatrically in many countries and grossed $51,507,647 worldwide.[2]



  1. ^McClintock, Pamela (April 3, 2014). 'How Tinker Bell Became Disney's Stealthy $300 Million Franchise'. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved August 5, 2014. ...each were made for $30 million to $35 million and together have grossed $225 million in U.S. DVD sales,...
  2. ^ ab'Tinker Bell - The Secret of the Wings (2012)'. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved August 17, 2014.
  3. ^'Secret of the Wings (2012)'. British Film Institute. Retrieved December 10, 2016.
  4. ^Adams, Mark (December 3, 2012). 'Tinker Bell And The Secret Of The Wings'. Screen Daily. Retrieved December 10, 2016.
  5. ^'El Capitan Theatre Screens SECRET OF THE WINGS, Now thru 9/13'. Broadway World. August 12, 2012. Retrieved June 21, 2015.
  6. ^Zahed, Ramin (October 22, 2012). 'Disney's 'Secret of the Wings' Flies to DVD/Blu-ray'. Animation Magazine. Retrieved June 21, 2015.
  7. ^Roberts, Sheila (August 19, 2012). '25 Things to Know from Our Visit to DisneyToon Studios for SECRET OF THE WINGS'. Collider. Retrieved June 21, 2015.
  8. ^Nachman, Brett (October 25, 2012). 'Disney In Depth: Blu-ray Review: Secret Of The Wings'. Geeks of Doom. Retrieved June 21, 2015.

External links[edit]

Pixie Hollow Bake Off Google Drive 2017

  • Secret of the Wings on IMDb
  • Secret of the Wings at Rotten Tomatoes

New Pixie Hollow Website

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Secret_of_the_Wings&oldid=946881594'
Pixie Hollow Bake Off
Written byKate Kondell
Directed byElliot M. Bour
Country of originUnited States
Original language(s)English
Producer(s)Jan Hirota
Editor(s)Lisa Linder
Running time6 minutes
Production company(s)DisneyToon Studios
Arc Productions
DistributorDisney–ABC Domestic Television
Original networkDisney Channel
Original release

Pixie Hollow Bake Off is a six-minute short, based on the Disney Fairies franchise, produced by DisneyToon Studios. It aired in the United Kingdom on October 20, 2013, on Disney Channel. It is based loosely on J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan stories, by way of Disney's animated adaptation.[1]

Download Pixie-Hollow-Bake-Off Torrent at TorrentFunk. We have 11 Pixie-Hollow-Bake-Off Anime torrents for you! Jul 01, 2014 Reunite with your favorite fairies this July on Disney Movies Anywhere, kicking off with an all-new Pixie Preview 'Pixie Hollow Bake-Off' featuring 'Fairy Gelata' voiced by Giada De Laurentiis.


Tink challenges Gelata (Lisa Faulkner in the UK version and by Giada De Laurentiis in the US version) to see who can bake the best cake for the queen's party. There are a group of baking fairies, the main one being Gelata. The baking fairies always make exactly the same cake for Queen Clarion's Arrival Day party, for the last 399 years.

Tinker Bell has an idea for a different kind of cake, which Gelata takes as a challenge... hence, the bake off. Tink and her friends compete against the baking fairies. In the end, Tink's cake looks very appealing, but finds out looks aren't everything.


  • Mae Whitman as Tinker Bell
  • Giada De Laurentis as Gelata (US Version)
  • Lisa Faulkner as Gelata (UK Version)
  • Lucy Liu as Silvermist
  • Raven-Symoné as Iridessa
  • Megan Hilty as Rosetta
  • Pamela Adlon as Vidia
  • Angela Bartys as Fawn
  • Jeff Bennett as Clank / Fairy Gary
  • Rob Paulsen as Bobble
  • Jane Horrocks as Fairy Mary
  • Anjelica Huston as Queen Clarion


The special debuted in the United Kingdom on The Disney Channel on October 20, 2013. It was later featured as an exclusive bonus disc accompanying the Blu-ray release of The Pirate Fairy in 2014, which included 10 extra mini-shorts of around 1–2 minutes. The special was released widely through Disney Movies Anywhere.[2][3]


  1. ^Falconer, Daniel (October 16, 2013). 'Lisa Faulkner Exclusive Interview - 'The Pixie Hollow Bake Off''. Female First. Retrieved October 23, 2013.
  2. ^''Pixie Hollow Bake Off' Now Available on Disney Movies Anywhere'. Chip and Co. July 3, 2014. Retrieved June 23, 2015.
  3. ^Milligan, Mercedes (July 1, 2014). 'Disney Fairies Flit to DMA'. Animation Magazine. Retrieved July 11, 2014.

External links[edit]

  • Pixie Hollow Bake Off on IMDb

Pixie Hollow Bake Off Full Movie Download Full

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pixie_Hollow_Bake_Off&oldid=929394797'